company registration
and business support
We help to launch businesses in Estonia with ease and benefit from zero income tax.

We form and support international businesses in Estonia, Cyprus, the UK, providing services across sectors such as trading, tech, IT, crypto, holding companies, medicine, and marketplaces. Our comprehensive solutions enable clients to form companies, manage bookkeeping, and streamline transactions—all through a seamless, all-in-one approach.

Bank account openings
- Bank account openings in Switzerland.
- Account openings in payment institutions (EMI).
- Suitable for companies involved in ordinary activities and investments.
- No requirements for a minimum deposit or a specific number of transactions.
- Remote account opening services.
Tax assistance
- Tax assessment for commercial deals.
- VAT compliance and assessment of VAT applicability in cross-border deals.
- Preparation of annual financial statements for Cypriot and UK companies.
- Submission of annual financial statements and tax returns.
- Tax planning tailored to international business activities.
- Applying tax benefits through double tax treaties.
- Business redomiciliation to countries with tax advantages.
Company registration in Cyprus and UK
- Company registration and maintenance services in the UK.
- Company registration and maintenance services in Cyprus.
- Provision of registered offices in Cyprus and the UK.
- Accounting and auditing services for Cypriot and UK companies.
- Assistance with opening bank accounts and accounts in payment institutions.
Business legal support
- Comprehensive legal support for all stages of business development.
- Drafting agreements and internal documents.
- Organizing shareholder meetings.
Merge and Acquisition
- Document preparation for mergers and acquisitions.
- Coordination and management of mergers and acquisitions.
- Company restructuring services.
- Business analysis for purchase opportunities.
- Preparation of businesses for sale or acquisition.
Business relocation
- Relocation of companies within European countries.
- Relocation of companies from offshore jurisdictions to Cyprus.
- Freelance
- IT & Tech
- Trading
- Online Services
- Educational services
- Blockchain & Crypto
- Marketplaces
- Logistics
Sectors we help:
For self-employed, an Estonian company is the best choice in terms of costs and convenience. Basic bookkeeping procedures and minimum submission of accounting records let you run your business with no extra effort.
With Estonian companies, financial reports should be submitted only once a year and there’s no income tax.
If dividends are paid, the tax rate is 25%. Monthly remuneration can be paid as salary.

IT & Tech
An Estonian company for IT and tech businesses allows the execution of large projects without a tax burden (before withdrawing dividends)
The country’s tax-friendly environment for businesses also means that you don’t pay income tax.
IT & Tech

If international trade is organized through an Estonian company, there’s no corporate income tax.
To work in and outside the EU, you can register the Estonian VAT and EORI numbers.
With the e-residency card, the Estonian company can also be managed remotely.

Online Services
For various service providers, such as ticket, event, telecommunication and other services, an Estonian company is a cost-effective solution, taking unnecessary stress from running your business.
All reports for Estonian companies can be submitted electronically and follow simple bookkeeping procedures, plus there’s no income tax.
What’s more, for businesses providing their services online, you can apply for the MOSS scheme and obtain an Estonian VAT number.
Online Services

Educational services
The online educational services can immensely benefit from running their business in Estonia.
If you sell your digital services within the EU, you can apply for the MOSS scheme and obtain an Estonian VAT number.
All reports for Estonian companies can be submitted electronically and follow simple bookkeeping procedures, plus you will not be charged for income tax.
Educational services

Blockchain & Crypto
An Estonian company is an excellent choice for cryptocurrency businesses. In Estonia, it is easy to obtain a license and it permits to do both – client`s wallet administration and cryptocurrency conversion to fiat-currency.
What’s more, having obtained the Estonian e-residency card, the company can be managed from any corner of the world and there’s no income tax for purchases and sale transactions.
Blockchain & Crypto

If you are trading or providing services on your website, an Estonian company is a time-saving and cost-effective solution.
All reports for Estonian companies can be submitted electronically and follow simple bookkeeping procedures. Our accounts will provide an automated data entry on transactions generated from the merchant accounts.
What’s more, you can apply for the MOSS scheme and obtain an Estonian VAT number and there’s no income tax.

For transport and logistic companies, having an Estonian company means you can manage your business with no extra effort and costs.
There’s no income tax in Estonia and it is only in the case of dividend distribution when tax will be charged at a 25% rate.
If a company has employees working outside Estonia, no taxes have to be paid in Estonia.
Minimum submission of accounting records, basic bookkeeping procedures and the financial reports that have to be submitted only once a year –– are just some of the few more benefits.

Maxwise has been providing business support services for 30 years, not only in Estonia but also in other countries, including Cyprus, the UK, and many more.
Based in Estonia, our main speciality lies in registering and supporting Estonian companies – as our home country offers great tax and set up conditions for businesses. These include a 0% income tax, e-government, as well as fast and low-cost company registration procedures.
When it comes to preparing annual and tax reports, we do this with a personal approach to our clients and analyse all of the required documentation in-house.
We have been recognized as one of Estonia’s Strongest Companies by Creditinfo Estonia for a 10-year period (2012–2021). This distinction reflects our contribution to the Estonian economy and commitment to an honest business culture. Only 0.8% of Estonian companies achieve this stable A-group rating.
In 2013 and 2014, Maxwise was recognized as an Estonian Gazelle Company — an honor awarded to fewer than 1% of high-growth businesses that maintain at least 20% annual revenue growth for four consecutive years.
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